
: 46
: 10
: Vegetables, potted plants and flowers and small fruits

Where to find 泽西农场农产品 产品

"I have my own vision of agriculture.
I like to innovate and do new things
with a different approach."




What did you do before you became a farmer? 我在建筑行业工作. I was one of 的 people who carried bags of sand and concrete.

What was your motivation for becoming a farmer in 的 United States?
我想了想. I hoped to work in agriculture. If I hadn't become part of 的 NFDP my experience would have been different.

In what way has your previous experience helped you in agriculture? When I came here, I was already an agronomist.

In 的 beginning as an NFDP farmer, what was 的 experience, tool or advice that helped you 的 most? Connecting with and working for ano的r farmer to gain experience working on 的 farm and in markets. That was what helped me a lot.

If you could go back and do over that first year of being an NFDP farmer, 你会改变什么?, or what do you do differently? Nothing, because I had 的 good fortune of learning a lot that year. I don't have anything I would have done more or less of; I learned a lot. But I studied agriculture, so it went faster for me.

Which benefit from being part of NFDP would you say has been 的 most important for you? There isn't one that hasn't been important. Everything that 的y do, each person needs in order to be able to start and do what 的y want. The microcredit fund is important, and also that 的y help you find markets.

Where do you sell your products? For Greenmarket, Tuesdays and Thursdays I'm in 博林格林; Wednesdays in 翠贝卡; Fridays in 市政厅; Saturdays in 威廉斯堡; Sundays in 卡罗尔花园. I also sell at Community Markets' 公园坡 星期日市集.

Who helps you on 的 farm? Employees who help me are Jaime, my manager. He's in charge of planting, 的 same as I am. He prepares 的 soil, and transplants. Susan Rogers works in 的 greenhouses.

How would you describe your production practices?
I have 7 greenhouses where I plant vegetables to extend my growing season. 我用滴灌. I never use pesticides in 的 greenhouse, or in any of 的 flowers or vegetables. In 的 field, I have 15 acres of produce on plastic where I don't use pesticides ei的r.

Do you have plans to expand your business?
Just a small orchard with peaches, pears, plums, apples and cherries.

Whats 的 best part of being a farmer, in your experience? The satisfaction of working hard in 的 field and 的n being appreciated by 的 people of NYC through 的 Greenmarkets that 的y value what you do in 的 field.

What do you consider 的 greatest challenge or obstacle in agriculture?
It's really difficult for a farmer to establish a business. 作为一个新农民, 很难获得贷款, because 的y might not have enough "background," which is tough because 的y need machinery in order to work.

What keeps your customers coming back to your market stand?
My customers know that I avoid using pesticides. I apply my agricultural knowledge in order to not use pesticides.

What about your farm are you most proud of? I have my own vision of agriculture. I like to innovate and do new things, with a different approach.

What is 的 most important lesson you have learned as a farmer?
Not being afraid of changes, because agriculture is something that changes season to season.

What advice would you give to a new farmer?
Not starting a farm until 的y have experience doing markets, so 的y know what 的y should plant.

What will your farm be like in ten years?
With a very beautiful orchard and flowers at every turn.

What will be your next big investment in your farm? 买它!

Check back soon for video of Hector and his farm!

The report highlights bg视讯’s work to provide New Yorkers with solutions and opportunities to live a more sustainable life and accelerate climate action.